PMI Scheduling Professional(PMI-SP) ® Exam Practice Questions

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Project schedulers can get the PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) ® credential from the Project
Management Institute (PMI).
The way PMI makes its professional credentialing exams is different from how other project
management certification exams are made.
The PMI’s process for certifying people is based on the Standards for Educational and Psychological
This process uses knowledge- and task-driven guidelines to evaluate practitioner competence and
figure out the importance, criticality, and frequency of each piece of knowledge, task, and skill that a
project scheduler needs to meet industry standards.
Validation makes sure that the test accurately measures and evaluates the knowledge and skills of
the project scheduler.
PMI-SP credential holders can be sure that their professional credential was made using the best
practices for making tests and input from practitioners.
The PMI-SP exam is a key part of getting a professional credential, so it needs to be true to how
project schedulers work.
All the questions on the exam were written by qualified PMI-SP credential holders and went through
a thorough review process.
The PMI-SP Examination Content Outline is matched up with these questions to make sure that the
test is valid.
Many of the domains, tasks, knowledge, and skills in the PMI-SP Examination Content Outline are
also in the Practise Standard for Scheduling and the PMBOK® Guide, but there are some that are

Based on how the respondents rated the test, a test blueprint was made that explained how many questions from each domain and task should be on the test. People who took the survey would be asked the most questions about the domains and tasks that they thought were the most important, critical, and relevant.

The study’s results showed that the 150 questions that could be used to give points on the test should be split up as shown in the table below. The last 20 questions will be spread out across the domains as practise questions that will not be counted towards the candidates’ scores. Before putting a question in the final database of test questions, PMI can better track how well it does with the pretest questions.

Exam Content Outline
The following table identifies the proportion of questions from each domain that will appear on the
examination. These percentages are used to determine the number of questions related to each domain and
task that should appear on the multiple-choice format examination.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at the specified email address or phone number.